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Security Guard Service Cheyenne Wyoming


Patrol Service for  Cheyenne-Wyoming

Security Guard Service Cheyenne Wyoming – A security guard, uniformed or plain clothes, performs patrols at random intervals based on your needs. Our Security Team provides professional, proactive, patrols of the perimeter and interior of your property. We provide patrols at apartment complexes, construction sites, shopping plazas, alarm activations and more. Marked or unmarked patrols cars are available for the Security Patrol Service.

Security Guard Service for  Cheyenne-Wyoming

Stationed at an entrance, a uniformed or plain-clothes security guard performs perimeter checks, walk-through and door-checks. Security supervisors also checks the site every shift to provide an additional level of protection.

Guard Patrol Service for  Cheyenne-Wyoming

For locations that require a higher level of attention, both a security guard and a marked or unmarked patrol car are positioned on-site for the entire shift. This Security Service includes the additional benefit of a Security on-site supervisory patrol during each shift. In order to meet your specific objectives, a variety of measures can be implemented depending on the size, location and surroundings of the location.

Security Guard Service for  Cheyenne Wyoming

Security Guard Service for Cheyenne Wyoming

Private Investigations for  Cheyenne-Wyoming

Security Investigations team provides a wide-range of quality private investigative services to businesses, attorneys and private individuals including:
Video Surveillance
Infidelity Investigations
Background Checks
Records Research
Pre-Employment Screening
Business Investigations
Employee Theft Investigations
Missing Persons/Locates
Insurance Investigations
Cheating Spouses
Using cutting-edge technology and with access to the most up-to-date computer databases in the industry, we find out what you need to know as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Our professional investigative staff is among the best in the industry and is committed to excellence and integrity.